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GreenStalkUpdated 2 days ago

HERE is a great little video on how to set up your GreenStalk Verticle Planter. 


Bringing Your GreenStalk Indoors: A Handy Guide 

Thinking about setting up your GreenStalk garden inside? Great idea! Indoor gardening with GreenStalk can be a fantastic way to keep your home green and vibrant all year round. Before you get started, let's talk about one important aspect: drainage.

Understanding GreenStalk Drainage
No Built-In Reservoir: The GreenStalk doesn’t come with an underneath reservoir. Instead, excess water simply drains out from the bottom. To manage this, especially indoors, you'll need a plan to catch and redirect this water.

Catch It with a Base Unit: Options like the GreenStalk Mover or the GreenStalk Ultimate Spinner are perfect companions for your indoor garden. They're designed to catch that excess water without creating a mess.

Mind the Water: While these base units are super helpful, they don’t store water for long-term use and aren’t meant to let water seep back into the GreenStalk. Leaving water in them can lead to stagnant water issues or even overflow mishaps indoors.

Indoor Water Management Tips
Get Creative with Drainage: Think about a drainage solution that fits your indoor space. You'll want something that can catch the runoff water effectively and hold it temporarily.

Connect to Collect: Many GreenStalk gardeners find success by connecting a hose or tube from the base unit to a nearby bucket or container. This setup allows for easy management of excess water, preventing spills and making sure no drop goes to waste.

Bringing It All Together

Setting up your GreenStalk indoors is definitely doable with a little planning, especially around water drainage. By choosing the right base unit and setting up a simple system to manage excess water, you can enjoy the lush, productive garden inside your home without worrying about spills or water damage.

Looking for more indoor gardening tips or creative solutions for your GreenStalk? Dive into our blog and YouTube channel for all sorts of gardening treasures.

Here’s to your thriving indoor garden adventure!

You can find our GreenStalk HERE

HERE is a video on how to use our GreenStalk

If you have any issues contact us at customerservice@epicgardening.com. A member of our customer service team will get back to you on the next business day.

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